One day, we'll have a cozy house.
Saturday, January 31
4:50:00 PM
I know I can't reach out to you anymore since that day.
Trust me, it's still hurting me if you're still hurting.
Friday, January 30
7:10:00 PM
I'm like working now.
It's amazing that I can update right?
It's always what happens in the past that haunts you -.-
Wednesday, January 28
11:17:00 PM
No, we can't be the same anymore.
I'm just falling back into my shadow of me that I was 2years ago.
9:50:00 PM
I've been reading my old blog posts.
No no no, correction.
Old space posts.
So expect only reflections from now onwards.
Scroll to your colour.
Red for baby.
Green for wenxin and yiting.
Purple for little ant.
Pink for VAC, the bimbos. HAHAHA!
Yellow for venecia, deslyn, jolynn and rechelle.
Orange for the 8aypokks and dajie.
I find that I used to hate the world so much.
Now I don't really hate the world anymore.
I am a lucky girl and I should learn to count my blessings.
Baby is starting school next monday.
This means our outings are gonna drop in numbers.
Of course, this ain't gonna change anything.
Because up till now, me and baby are still so close that it makes people shudder, hahaha.
I didn't know I used to hate everything so so so much.
In fact now, I don't really hate anything.
I love you baby.
I really love you and I'm not saying it for the sake of saying it.
I'm never gonna be insecured anymore.
I know I'm an insecured child thus I didn't like it when you asked your old friend out.
But now I won't anymore.
Because if we're meant to be, we're meant to be.
Nothing can break us apart like you said on our 9th month.
Hahaha, amazed that I remember right?
I also realised why I always repeat my mistakes.
Now I'm never gonna do wrong again.
I used to listen to this particular person but it all went wrong, so now I don't listen to you.
I was wrong and still am wrong.
I was wrong to listen to him.
And wrong to not listen to you.
I'll try my best to turn into a better girl so you don't have to look for one.
I know I haven't been spending much time with my dear wenxin and yiting.
I saw that I am always with you both, having fun and all.
We were inseparable as a matter of fact.
I don't know what happened to us now.
But I do miss you both.
I know we won't have the chance to always go out like last time because we're all in different schools.
It makes me sad that we won't be as close as ever.
But I can assure you that I will make an effort for us to go out every 2months or 1month.
Let's be friends forever.
For my dearest little ant.
You've been listening to my crap and giving me advice from the day I knew you.
And it makes me sad that I won't be able to walk up the hill with you anymore.
It makes me sad that I won't be able to wait for you at simei.
It makes me sad that I won't be able to see your goofy smile everyday.
Thinking about going to different schools from you really makes me so sad that I'm crying now.
I'm so gonna miss you.
I'll always remember that you tolerate all my crap and da-xiao-jie-ness if any.
In fact, I'll always remember you.
Crap, I can't stop crying.
In fact it pains me to see all the happy times we have.
No, that doesn't pain me.
It pains me because I'm not going to have that everyday anymore.
I'm really gonna miss you.
Okay, I know I'm repeating this but it's true.
For my dearest VAC.
I didn't know we were gonna be goodfriends.
It's good that we made it this far.
Let's keep in touch via our blog.
Don't forget to read or update it.
I'm gonna miss you all too.
To my 4D girls, jolynn, rechelle, venecia and deslyn.
Friendships do come and go.
But it's what you leave behind that matters.
You girls never failed to make me smile when I'm upset.
So here's a big thankyou to you girls.
I really miss you all now too.
To my 8aypokks.
We've come this far as a big group and we'll continue to walk through life together.
I love all of you even though I'm not so close to you.
Dajie, I'll never forget you.
Reflections done.
Okay not really reflections.
Reflections another day.
These are my messages for my dears.
Saturday, January 24
11:28:00 PM
I've never ever felt like an useless bum before.
Maybe not.
Not up till today.
I can't even get a simple thing done.
I don't know why is it that it can't be the brouchers, tissue papers or receipts that disappear.
But that.
Why all but that.
Life's difficult and cruel.
I want to get out of this mess but all I do is get myself into another mess.
How I wished I knew what happened to the letter.
I wished I'd seen it if it fell out when you slipped it in.
I wished that I'd seen it if it fell out when we took out stuff.
But this would never happen.
Life pretty much sucks.
I can't even bear to hear your sms ringtone because it says "I will always love you, I will always stay true."
You can't even talk to me like the way we used to be.
You talk to me only because you wanted to know where's the letter.
I would rather be a goldfish in a glass bowl.
Swimming around in an enclosed area yet knowing that my future is secured.
Trapped but knowing that I'll be in good hands.
Friday, January 23
12:06:00 AM
Sacrifices, sacrifices.
How much can one person give up for another?
Tuesday, January 20
3:39:00 PM
And I said, Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone.
I guess I got enlightened somehow or somewhat.
I just can't cry like I used to no matter how sad I feel. I thought I would just sob nonstop but I can't. Maybe it's because I heard baby saying that he has changed thats why I changed too. But when we went out, we did the same things we used to do. So I guess it's still pretty much the same for us.
I cannot get used to a life that's different from what I used to. For example, my nails -.-
I should look on the bright side. Poor baby was hurting because that stupid sharp edge of the chair was poking him but he knew I was comfortable in that position so he didn't say.
Even when I ask him if it hurts, he wouldn't say. I only knew when I put my hand behind him to try out -.- What a stupid baby. He say he's willing to make sacrifices for me. And I told him not till that extent. Then he went on to pretend like he didn't hear me.
And baby still feeds me so I guess we're the same still considering nothing much has changed except that we still end up fighting over stupid stuff that I do.
Well sometimes I really feel like being together forever but due to circumstances, things will always happen. Right now, I'm trying to not stick myself into messy situations. No more dumb huiyi.
Look on the bright side baby.
Went to collect our miserly pay yesterday at Dhoby Ghaut. The person says he still wants to hire us after CNY. Seriously, the pay and thing we've to sell sucks shit. Must think of valid reason to run away from that job.
Hexian's cousin wants me to work this sunday eve, if I tell my parents, they'll make me go because they think I'm a lazy bum and that all I do is slack at home.
Siewchen and I are considering different types of jobs, from stupid low paying jobs to okay okay ones. Angela just asked me to go interview with her for some job. KJC says to give out flyers. Everyone is working hard to earn money. Too bad for the JC people to be as they are starting school soon.
I'm like stuck at home.
My brother is putting on braces, good for him. He'll lose weight!
18 January was my dajie's birthday, I love her alot and I would really miss her as she'll be going to JC and me poly. Well, guess I can still catch up with all of them. Shall arrange for once in a month meeting!
Today's KJC's birthday. And he's working, hahaha!
Tomorrow will be a hectic day. Morning will be going shopping at Jurong Point with my aunt and mum. Then maybe at 12pm, go for the interview. Don't know if timing can be changed because it's an interview. Then 7pm will have to meet up with the darlings for dinner, actually it's just meet up because we never celebrate our dajie's birthday!
Hope my family comes back soon. So I won't be bored out of my shit!
Yay, they're back!
Sunday, January 18
1:19:00 PM
Life's okay recently.
Work's shitty and the stupid promotion sucks. Maybe gonna continue when new year comes, our employer is nice nice nice and funny.
Was supposed to go the the John Little Sale at Expo with ant, or angela's house but not going to both.
Anyway I think I'm still better off sticking to stuff I'm used to. Like my long nails. I snipped them super short today and it feels weird. Maybe I'll get used to it after some time but I still prefer my long nails.
Think I prefer being with my baby more than being single.
Okay, bye gotta run!
And stupid idiots out there. Fuck off though I still hate the f word but its the most suitable term to use on you idiots.
Poor haha, you should get a better name -.- And how much did you get -.-
Thursday, January 15
11:51:00 PM
I just keep getting praised that I'm a freaking airhead now.
Yes, my head is filled with air.
And I'm about to float.
What the hell.
I haven't decided on my courses to take, okay I've decided but people are swaying my decisions.
Tomorrow morning gonna chiong to ant's house and do the JAE form or never have a school and just start working -.-
I'm floating.
Bye everyone!
Wednesday, January 14
1:34:00 PM
Back from class chalet.
Aranda is always the cleanest. I love the balcony area.
People just keep gathering together to talk about where they are going and what they plan to do. Mahjong was the most fun, okay maybe just because I kept winning -.- I always have a lucky streak when it comes to gambling, I hope lady luck would never go away and I'll get what I want!
When I grow up, I want to have a home that has balconies. Balconies, not balcony, hahaha!
I suddenly feel damn screwed up. Okay, I know this is random but it's how I feel now.
Anyway I have a feeling that even if I studied, I would still be getting the same results.
The school system is screwed up. All my smart friends are only getting like 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 when they're supposed to be getting 6 or 7 or 8. You get the point, but no.
All the neighbourhood school kids are doing better than us. They are all getting the 7 or 8 or 9 results. Pure science my shit. What's the point of taking pure science when the results that come out are like crap? AHS should offer courses like DnT, PoA, home econs, combined science and all the crap so all of us can get more A1s.
Maybe I should have gone to a neighbourhood school. Later my brother do better than me in Os, then I'll be fucking screwed up. Take note that I don't like the word fuck but that will be how I feel when he does better than me just because his school is offering him better courses that will secure him A1s.
Actually, I'm not that upset. I didn't study at all and I can even watch tv till 2 or 3am on the day of exam -.- And I was always online and going to people's houses when other people are mugging away.
But now I'm stuck in this stupid and awful situation where I have nowhere to go because I didn't do well and I didn't do that badly either. I don't feel like going to poly anymore because I have no definite course in mind. I don't feel like going to JC because that's so not me. This is not real, this is not me. I'm not exactly where I want to be. Now the light doesn't shine on me.
I wish we'll always be together till this extent that I want to go to the same school as him, but that wouldn't be happening. I have never wanted something so much. Maybe it's time to get out of this obsession. Seeing each other everyday wouldn't be good. Maybe it should just be like how it is now, that we're in different schools but yet so in love with each other, lol!
Forget all this shit, I'm going to talk to my parents about this shit when they get back. For now, I shall go cook maggie mee for my lunch again.
I don't get why people think I'm fair. I think I'm yellow :(
I'm not feeling exactly happy anymore even though people keep praising me. Yes, go praise the lord instead. I am not christian by the way. It's not helping me feel happy.
Promises are all empty promises so nobody should promise anyone anything because it wouldn't come true. I've learnt that since I was small but I always hope that there's this little bit of truth in them. That it will be happening.
I promise to never upset you again.
Let's see how long I can keep that.
Sunday, January 11
10:17:00 PM
Took some photos for the blogshop today. Do support the new collection that angela brought in! It will be up in a few working days.
I love the clarity of a DSLR.
Tomorrow results will be out. Don't think I'll do well but I'm not that worried. I have other things to worry about.
You're hot and you're cold.
You're yes and you're no.
Sorry baby.
Saturday, January 10
7:29:00 PM

What the hell is blogger doing?
I'm very in the posting picture mood today and it refuses to upload any photo except this with no one's face on it, little f-er.
Yes, I can rollerblade. Don't be that surprised.
Went to Singapore Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic with little ant, wenxin and angela.
Got baby's goodie bags for him, lol!
Then wanted to go to Great World City to look at the chio-est shoes on earth but the stupid shuttle bus didn't come so we went to Central instead. Bought a pair of bling bling shoes, lol! Baby was complaining that I always get stuff for myself and none for him.
Wanted this straw bag but no one wanted to get it with me. Baby said that if I did better than him for Os then he'll buy it for me but if I do worse then I can buy it for myself to console myself, hahaha.
Went to Yoshinoya to eat, where wenxin and little ant got addicted to the soya sauce there. Little ant loves iced peach tea too! I met some stupid fat bitch and her two guy friends. Forget about them, they didn't really piss me off except that I've no idea who they are. But they know my name, guess I'm just that famous.
Went home at 10plus, am sorry that I didn't get to meet baby.
Gonna give him a surprise tomorrow, it's not such a surprise since I mentioned it, lol!
Somebody praised me today, it's a girl.
Reminder to self, keep it this way forever.
To top this all up. I'm ending it with tagged surveys.
Got tagged by wenxin once but I didn't do it because I didn't feel like updating, and I said I would when I feel like it. And now I'm tagged by Kevin.
1.Who's th person tht tagged you? Wenxin, Kevin
2.Relationship between you and her? Wenxin was when I walked up to her at the mrt platform and said hello because she was in CO too, for Kevin is when we got into the same sec1 class.
3.Three impressions of her? Wenxin, talkative, friendly and fun! Kevin, cute, playful and babyish -.-
4.If he become your enemy, you will? That won't ever happen!
5.What will you say to the person you like very much? Nothing, because I already love my baby very much :D
6.Characteristic i like abt myself? Hahaha, I love myself, yes I'm very zilian!
7.Characteristic i hate abt myself? That I love myself so much.
8.For th person whom you hate, you say? It's time we stop all this shit.
9.What do people feel abt you? That's for them to feel and for me to find out.
10. Your crush? Don't have any, hello there baby!
11.Pass this to 10 people. I don't think anyone would do this anyway.
1. Wenxin, it's time you got another survey
2. Yiting, time to update.
3. Guiyue, same reason as yiting.
4. Christina, for being surveyable.
5. Hexian, who doesn't read blogs.
6. Little ant, who doesn't care.
7. Angela, hahaha, do it okay! You better!
8. Vanessa, hello darling!
9. Cheryl, I miss you!
10. Stefan, hahaha.
12.If 5&7 were together? I would laugh till all my teeth drop out.
13.Who does 5 like? I don't really know for now, even if I do, it's a secret.
14.What colour does 9 like? Every colour, she's lovable!
15.Say something abt 8? She cares alot about what everyone thinks of her but she's a great friend to have.
16.Who is 2? My best teddy bear on earth.
17.Talk abt 3. Funny, cute and blur friend of mine.
18.Who is 10's best fren? Hahaha, janice?
19.Who is sexiest among all? Hmmm.
20.What colour does 4 like? I don't really know.
21.Is 4 single? Oh yes.
22.Your relationship with 1? Bestfriends forever.
23.Are 5&6 best frens? Not bestfriends, but friends.
24.9's surname? TAN
25.7's nickname? Nothing much. She doesn't have one.
26.Say something to 8. Hello darling girl!
27.Say something to help 9. She helps me more like it.
28.Who does 1 admire? Secret.
29.Where does 1 live? Simei.
30.10 of them know hu u lyk? Yeah of course, it's my dearest baby.
31.Say somethk to 6 when you see her.(6) Hello my dearest ant. Thanks for being my bestfriend and I don't think I can live a life without complaining to you and seeing your funny letters to me and your funny actions.
32.10's spouse? Hahaha, IDK.
Ohmygod, I hate surveys -.-
Tuesday, January 6
1:02:00 PM
Haven't been updating and all but my life has been eventful, that's why.
Movies with dar, I told him I've a movie mood and now he's copying me saying that must depend on his movie mood too -.- I swear he's becoming more and more like me nowadays, lol!
Day out with the girls, stayover at doreen's house during 31dec-1jan! We mahjonged and daidee-ed, lol! And had great food, I love vivien's wasabi prawn salad! Took some pictures, I've already sent them out to everyone present through email! According to wenxin dearest, this is the last picture of 2008 and first picture of 2009! We took the photo at 0000hours, lol!
I love sleepovers! But I hate dust, okay I don't hate dust, I'm just allergic to dust. I love my this family of 9people. Oh christina isn't here :(
Me, chiateddy, wenxin and vivien daidee-ed till 6.30am and we went to look for food. The others were disturbed by us, oops.
Alot of us fell asleep at 7am, yet I was fidgeting around and changing sleeping places so the girls either saw me sleeping next to them or saw me on the sofa or something, in the end I fell asleep with my blanket over my head, lol!
Job training and interviews -.- Damn boring but it's a process everyone has to go through. Stupid job training, they changed the conditions of our job and it only lasted a freaking 15mins or so and we had to rush all the way down to woodlands. What the hell lah, wasted like at least 3hours plus of travelling time to get there and back.
Walked around Causeway Point after that. Angela left and so we left too, lol!
I personally think I don't look like much of an attention seeker but I guess ahlians all like to pick on me. Maybe I really look like an ahlian, but I don't think so -.-
So we were on the train back from woodlands and we were tired from all that walking. Dear little ant went to sit down so I stood infront of her. She sat on the spot next to the priority seat. At yishun, two ahlians came in, little ant calls them fat and fatter. So fat and fatter stared at me from top to toe when I didn't even look at them once. I glanced over after feeling tension in the air.
Fat had eyes of different sizes and fatter was wearing some brown full body skirt with a zipper in the middle. To a certain extent, they were ugly. They had pimples all over and they were dark skinned and wore lots of makeup. Foundation in patches and stuff -.-
Hahaha, my pimples are gone now, left one stupid scar that dar can't stop talking about everytime he sees me -.-
Okay so the person sitting on the priority seat left and fatter made no motion to sit down so I sat down and fatter started to exclaim that her legs were tired. They moved infront of us and started talking. At first they were saying stuff like want to put eyeliner then put more lah, put so little think cute ah, then I didn't realise they were talking about me because I don't wear eyeliner -.- Then they said alot of other stuff until fatter kept saying I didn't get to sit down thanks to her, she think she very big ah go sit on priority seat, priority seat for people like her meh? Then it dawned on me. And they continued talking bad about me.
Normally I would just close one eye and bear with this kinda situations but that day I was pissed off with what was happening already so my face was black and the ahlians look happier every moment they talked bad about me and I didn't fight back. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I said if someone says one more sentence, just one more, I will slap someone.
And they stopped and even stammered and changed their conversation to something like your hair is very nice -.-
Think my face is really scary when I don't smile or when I'm pissed off -.-
I can bear with people talking bad about me only when I think they have the qualities to.
Baby is working now, he says thats because he needs to feed me, hahaha! We bought mini cornetto chocolate. I like the blackforest one and dar likes the other one, I think oreo or something. Yeah, thats why we're together so we can both eat what we prefer, hahaha. But we do have common loves too!
We sat on the open floor at the top of vivocity to eat and we gave the rest of the little cones away, hahaha. Dar is more pro at giving them away, lol! At first he was saying stuff like, you go give them away and I'll just watch you from afar. Then he helped me give them away :D
We were the weirdest couple on the train because he made me squeeze his stupid blackhead and it got stuck halfway and he made me pluck his little beard -.- Okay, he doesn't have a beard, it's just facial hair. We said stuff like we're gonna buy weird t-shirts and wear them together, lol!
Class chalet on the 12-14jan. Open houses on the 8-11jan.
I think I'm off to read a book and cook maggie mee for myself. Was supposed to go to angela's house but the rest couldn't make it and I overslept, smart me. No wonder dar always comes to fetch me to go school or go out. Poor dear, sorry I forgot that you always do! But but but I do remember alot of other stuff so stop harping on my bad memory okay love!